Top Best Most Important Basic Civil Engineering Interview Questions with Answers On Design of Steel and R.C.C Structures

1) How to find the weight of steel bar (kg/m or in feet) used in reinforcement or Steel bar or (Round section of TMT bar)?


2) What is Chair Reinforcement?

Ans: It is used in Footings and Slabs where top and bottom reinforcement is provided benefits-They hold the reinforcement in position. They maintain the distance between top and bottom reinforcement. They keep the reinforcement in place in case of vibration and jerk due to machine or when laborers walk on the tied reinforcements.

3) How much Size of Hook & Angle?

Ans: Hook= 10 x d
         Angle= 1350
4) What is the difference between one-way slab and two-way slab?

Ans: 1. One way slab: Ratio of longer span/Shorter span > 2
         2. Two way slab: ratio of longer Span/shorter span <2.

5) What is B.B.S (Bar Bending Schedule)?

Ans: Process of bending reinforced steel into different shapes required for reinforced concrete construction.

6) What is Development Length? OR What is Over Lapping Length?

Ans: 1. Development Length: - Length of steel bar required to transfer stresses from steel to concrete is called development length.
         2. Over-Lapping Length: - Length of steel required to transfer stresses from one steel bar to another is called overlapping length.

7) What is Deflection and Deformation?

Ans:   Deflection: - Deflection is temporary displacement of structure members like beams.
           Deformation: - It is the permanent displacement of the structural member.

8) Differentiate between Working Stress Method & Limit Stress Method?

Ans: 1) Working Stress Method:- This is an elastic design method in which structure is designed to bear load up to the elastic limits.
         2) Limit Stress Method:-Plastic design method in which structure is designed to bear load beyond Plastic limit.

9) How much Minimum area of steel used in column?

Ans: Minimum area of steel = 0.8% of gross area.

10) How much Maximum distance between the longitudinal bars?

Ans: Maximum Distance = 300 mm.

11) How much Maximum area of steel in column?

Ans: Case 1: When bars are not lapped
                       Area max = 6% of gross area of column.
         Case 2: When bars are lapped
                      Area max = 4% of gross area of column.

12) How much Minimum no. and dia of bars / reinforcement is provided in column as per IS 456:2000?

Ans: For rectangular/ square column = 4
         For circular column = 6
         The minimum dia of bar is 12mm.

13) What is the full form of DPR?

Ans: Detailed project Report.

14) How much percentage of deduction in plaster?

Ans: In plaster deduct 50% the volume of part to be deduction.

15) What is the minimum lap length taken in Compression zone?

As per IS 456: 2000 Cl., the lap length in compression shall not be less than 24ᶲ, where ᶲ is the diameter of the bar.

16) When bars of two different diameters are to be lapped, then lap length will be calculated on the basis of which dia?

Ans: As per IS 456: 2000 Cl., the lap length shall be calculated on the basis of diameters of the smaller bar.

17) Differentiate between Development length & Lap Length?

Ans: Lap length addresses the length of the bar needed to transfer the stress to the other bar, whereas Development length addresses the length of the bar needed to transfer the stress to the concrete.

18) What is Ductility?

Ans: Ductility is the ability to deform under tensile stress.

19) What is Soil Reinforcement?

Ans: Soil reinforcement is the act of improving soil strength to enable it support or carry more load.

20) What do you know about "TMT"?

Ans: TMT stands for "Thermo Mechanically Treated". Generally we use TMT bars and sheet for construction purposes for the reason that they have high strength and high corrosion resistance compared to normal steels.

21) What is difference between Working Stress Method and Limit State Method?

Ans: Working stress method is an elastic design method in which structure is designed to bear the load upto elastic limit. Whereas, limit state method is a plastic design method in which structure is designed to bear the load beyond plastic limit.

22) What is the unit weight of Steel?

Ans: The unit weight of Steel is 78.5 KN/m3.

23) How much Minimum horizontal distance provided between bars?

Ans: a) Diameter of bar, if dia of two different bar unequal take largest dia.of  bar.        
         b) 5mm more than maximum size of coarse aggregate.

24) Minimum vertical distance between bar:

Ans: a) Not less than 15mm
         b) Two-third of maximum size of aggregate
         c) Maximum dia. of bar.

25) What is Deflection Control?

Ans: The vertical deflection limits for beam is given by span to effective depth ratio are not more than value obtained below:
               For Span upto 10m:

              Cantilever:                           span/ eff. Depth =not more than 7
               Simply supported:              span/ eff. Depth =note more than 20
               Continuous:                         span/eff. Depth = not more than 26