Loads Acting on Steel Structures |Different types of Loads as per IS codes

Loads on Steel Structures: -

Ø  The force that ads on a Structure is called" Loads on Steel Structure". For the Sale design of steel structure Is essential to have a known tie of various material or man-made loads or Combinations of loads acting on It.
Ø  Various Loads expected to act on a Structure may be Classified as below: -
(i) Dead Loads (DL)
(ii) Imposed Loads (IL)
(iii) Wind Loads (WL)
(iv) EQ Loads (EL)
(v) Erection Loads (ER)
(vi) Accidental Loads (AL)
(vii) Secondary Effects

Types of load in steel structure as per IS Codes:-

Ø  IS 875: Part 1 - Dead Load
Ø  IS 815: part 2 - Live Load
Ø  IS 875: Part 3 - Wind Load
Ø  IS 1893: 2002 - Earthquake load
Ø  IS 815: Part 4 - Snow Load
Ø  IS 875: Part 5 - Load Combinations.
Dead Load (IS 875: Part-1): -
        The first vertical load known to be dead load is. Dead loads are static or stationary loads that are moved over the life-span to the system. Dead load is mainly due to the structural members' own weight, permanent partition walls, permanent fixed equipment, and weight of different materials. This consists primarily of the weight of floors, beams, walls and columns etc.
Live Load (IS 875:part-2): -
         The second vertical load included in a structure 's architecture is charges levied or live loads. Live loads with any acceleration or effect are either static or moving loads. It is presumed that such loads are generated by the expected use or occupation of the building including weights of mobile partitions or furniture etc. Occasionally, live loads keep on shifting. The model will take on these loads accordingly. This is one of the main product loads. In IS 875 (part 2)–1987 the minimum values of the live loads to be assumed are given. This depends on the building's intended use.
Wind Load (IS 875:part-3): -
        Wind load is essentially a horizontal load that is induced by air relative to earth movement. In structural design, wind load must be considered especially when the heat of the building exceeds two times the transverse dimensions of the exposed wind surface. For low rise building say up to four to five floors, the wind load is not crucial because the moment of resistance given by the continuity of the floor system to the relation of columns and walls given between columns is adequate to accommodate the impact of those forces. In the limit state process, the design load factor is reduced to 1.2 (DL+LL+WL) when water is considered as opposed to water. It is necessary to bear in mind the horizontal forces exerted by the wind components, while designing is the house. Calculating wind charges depends on the two variables, namely wind velocity and building scale. Complete details of wind load calculation on structures are given below (by IS-875 (Part 3) -1987). Basic wind pressure 'Vb' is shown on a map of India using colour code. Depending on the location of the building the builder will pick up the value of Vb.
     The following phrase shall be used to get the concept wind velocity Vz:
     Vz= K1.k2.k3.Vb  
     Where k1 = The risk factor
                K2 = Coefficient of area, height and scale of the structure.
                K3 = factor Topography
     The wind pressure design is provided by
      Pz = 0.6 Vz2
     Where pz at height Z is in N / m2 and m / sec is in Vz. The wind pressure is known to work uniformly, up to a height of 30 m. Wind pressure rises above 30 m height.
Earthquake Load (IS 1893-2002): -
      Earthquake influences cover on the structure for both vertical and horizontal movements. The overall earthquake-induced shaking can be resolved in three mutually perpendicular directions, typically taken as vertical and two horizontal directions. The movement in vertical direction does not in any significant way affect forces in the superstructure. Yet during construction the building's horizontal movement at the time of the earthquake is to be remembered. The structure 's response to the ground vibration is a function of the nature of the foundation soil, construction size and style, and the length and strength of ground movement. IS 1893–2014 offers descriptions of these estimates for buildings on soils that due to the earthquake will not collapse or slip significantly.
          The seismic design accelerations can be reached from the seismic coefficient, which is defined as the earthquake-related acceleration ratio and gravity-related acceleration. The seismic forces are not important for monolithic reinforced concrete structures located in seismic zone 2, and 3 without getting more than 5 stories high and factor of significance less than 1.
Snow Load (IS 875:part-4): -
             Snow loads in the building make up the vertical loads. Yet these types of loads are only found in areas where snow falls. IS 875 (part 4)-1987 deals with snow loads on the building's roofs. The expression obtains the total snow load on a roof area or any other area above ground that is subject to snow accumulation.
                                              S= μ S0
     Where S = Design snow load on plan area of roof.
                 μ = Shape coefficient, and
                 S0 = Ground snow load