Design Philosophies of Steel Structure| Working Stress Method |Ultimate Load Method |Limit State Method

Design Philosophies: -
Ø  Design of Steel Structure consists of design of Steel members and their Connections. So that they can safely and economically resist and transfer the applied load to the ground.The design process begins with Selection of trail section and Checking its Safety. The design of Structural Steel elements is based on attendance on initial yielding.
i) Attainment of full yielding
ii) Tensile Strength
iii) Critical buckling
iv) Maximum Deflection permitted
v) Stress Concentration
vi) Fatigue
Vii) Brittle Fracture
Ø  The Design Philosophy are used and listed below in order of their evolution: -
1)    Working Stress Method
2)    Ultimate Load Method
                 3)  Limit State Method

Ultimate Tensile Strength: -
Ø  It is the max. Stress that the material Can with Stand while being Stretched or pulled before failure\ breaking.
Yield Strength: -
Ø   It is the Stress at which the Stress-Strain Curve for Axial Loading deviates the Strain of 0.2% from the linear elastic line on the Stress Strain Curve become non-linear.

1) Working Stress Methods: -
Ø  It is the elastic method of design.According to this method, the members are designed on basis of working Stress & those will never exceed permissible Stress according to Code.

Permissible Stress < Yield Stress

“A permissible Stress" is defined as the ratio of yield Stress according to factor of safety.

Ø According to this method, Failure load is factor of safety times working load; which is not true.

Factored Load = Working Load x FOS < Ultimate Load


Ø Actually, it is more because a material can resist the load after yield apparatus at a fibre.In Structures, just formation of plastic hinge is not the Collapse criteria. Since, it can resist load till some more hinges formed resulting into Collapse mechanism.It gives An Economical section.It deals only with elastic behaviour of matter.The Strength of the section at the working Load is estimated from the yield Strength of the section.
Ø  The Method is simple and reliable. 
2) Ultimate Load Method: -
Ø  From the Stress Strain curve, it is observed that higher loads than elastic method Can be applied in the structure. This is due to the fact that a major portion of the Curve lies beyond the elastic limit. This Strength is Called “Deserved Curve” and based upon this strength plastic design is made. This method is based on failure Conditions rather than working load condition.The Strength of the section is estimated from ultimate Strength of the section. In plastic design method, the working loads are multiplied by a load factor, get the collapse load and the members are designed on the basis of collapse Strength.Since, actual load should be less than the Collapse Strength by a factor of safety; the members designed should be Safe.
Ø  Re- distribution of internal forces is accounted and considered.
Ø  It does not guarantee Serviceability performances like deflection, instability, Crack-width and fatigue etc.
Ø  So, to take care of design requirements from Strength and Serviceability criteria, limit state method is developed.

3) Limit State Method: -
Ø  The acceptable limit for the safety & serviceability requirements before failure occurs is called “Limit State”.It is Similar to plastic designs which consider most critical limit state of Strength and Serviceability.The section design Should Satisfy serviceability requirements Such as limitations of deflection, vibration and Shouldn't Collapse under Accidental loads.The Limit State are Classified as:
1)    Limit State of Strength
2)    Limit State of serviceability

1) Limit State of Strength: -

Ø  For Checking the Strength and Stability of Structure the loads are multiplied by relevant load factor (ɣf) given in IS 800:2007 tale no.04.The modified loads are called “factor loads” account for the uncertainties involved in estimating the magnitude of dead and live loads.The design Strength of members or its Connections are determined by dividing Ultimate Strength with respect to partial Safety factor (ɣm) for material given in IS 800:2007 tables.
Ø  It includes:
i) Plastic Collapse.
ii) Stability against sway, overturning & sliding
iii) fatigue
2) Limit State of serviceability: -

Ø  It is limit State beyond which the service criteria such as defection, vibration, repairable damage due to fatigue, corrosion, fire resistance is no longer made. Load factor (ɣf) is used for all loads to check Serviceability requirements.

Limit State
Load Factor

Ø  It includes:
i) Deflection
     ii) Durability
     iii) Vibration 
     iv) Fire resistance