Types of Connections in Steel Structures | Design of Bolted Connections

Ø  Various elements on a Steel Structure like tension and compression & flexural of members are connected fasteners Connectors.
Ø  The need of designing Connections are: -
1)     To connect plates, angles, channel, I-Sections etc;
2)     To connect different members at the ends.
Ø  The connections are generally provided in the following cases:
1)Unless the requirement to account for the heavy load and long span is met, then the built-up parts must be given. In this case, to get a good section this section should be connected together.
2) The length of the standard section needs to be connected to another section in case of longer duration. In this case it is necessary to attach the proper design of multiple parts of the connections.
3) At the end the different members need to be linked (e.g. secondary beams to be linked to primary beams, columns, footings, etc.)
Ø  Design of connections are very important because the failure of joints is Sudden and catastrophic. Normally, a connection failure is not as ductile as that of a Steel member failure. Connections may be classified according to the following:
a)  Method of Fastening (rivets, bolts, welding)
b)  Connection Rigidity (rigid, Simple, Semi-rigid)
Ø  According to IS code, based on rigidity connection, the joint can be defined as:
1) Rigid
2) Simple
3) Semi-rigid

Semi-Rigid: -
Ø  Semi-rigid connections have sufficient rigidity to hold the original angles between members.
Ø  In reality all the connections will be Semi-Rigid.

Types of Connections: -
The following three types of connections may be made in steel connections:
1) Riveted Connections
2) Bolted Connections
3) Welded Connections

Bolted Connection: -

Ø  “Bolt” a metal pin with a head formed at one end and stank threaded at the other in order to receive a nut.

Ø  Bolts are used for joining together pieces of metals by inverting them through holes in the metal and tightening the nut at the threaded ends. This process /technique are called “Bolting”. 

Types of Bolts according to type of Shanks: -
a)    Unfinished/black bolts: -
Ø  It is made from mild Steel rod with Square or hexagonal head. The Shank is left unfinished i.e. rough as rolled. As Shank of black bolts are unfinished, the bolt may not establish contact with structural member at entire zone of contact surface. So, joints remain quite loose resulting into large deflections.These bolts are Used for light structures, temporary Connections (trusses etc ;).These bolts are not Used for - impact, fatigue, or dynamic loading Subjected to structure.Bolt of property class 4.6 means, Ultimate Strength is 400 N/mm2 and yield Strength is 400 x 0.6 = 246 N/mm2.If a bolt is designated as m16, m20, m24,……, it means Shank dia. of 16mm, 20mm, 24mm,….. (as per IS 1364). 

b)     Finished/turned Bolts: -
Ø  These bolts are also made from mild Steel, but they are formed from hexagonal rods, which are finished by turning to circular shape.Actual dimension is larger than the nominal dia. (1.2 mm to 1.3 mm).Bolt hole is 1.5 mm larger than the nominal diameter of bolt.IS 3640 covers the specification.
     Uses Finished bolts: -
Ø   special jobs like connecting special parts subjected to dynamic loading.

c)     HSFG: -
Ø  Made from buyers of medium Carbon Steel.Less ductile than black bolts.Special techniques are used for tightening the nuts to induce specified initial tension in bolts. These bolts with included initial tension are called “HSFG Bolts”.Due to friction the sleep in the joint is eliminated hence the connection is called “non slip / friction type connection”. Induced initial tension is called “Proof Load”.Coefficient of friction is called “Slip Factor”. Forces are transferred by friction only not subjected to shear of bearing.
     Uses of HSGF:-
Ø  Material Cost is High.
Ø  Special attention to be given to workmanship.
      According to material and strength: -
 (i) Ordinary Structure Bolt.
 (ii) High Strength Steel Bolt.
     According to pitch and fit of thread: -
 (i) Standard pitch bolt.
 (ii) Fine pitch bolt.
 (iii) Coarse pitch bolt.
     According to Shape of head and nut: -
  (i) Square bolt
             (ii) Hexagonal Bolt

    Types of Bolts based on Load transfer: -
   (i) Bearing type – (black, turned)
   (ii) Friction type – (HSFG bolts)
Ø  Black & turned bolts in bearing type since they transfer Shear force from one member to other member by bearing, whereas HSFG bolts belongs to friction grip type Since they transfer shear by friction.
           Advantages of Bolted Connection: -
1)     Making joints noise less.
2)     Do not need skilled labour.
3)     Structure can be put to use immediately.
4)     Working area required in the field is less.
5)     Connections can be made quickly.
6)     Bolting is a cold process.
Disadvantages of Bolted Connection: -
1)     Tensile strength is reduced considerably due to reduction of area at the root of
2)     Rigidity of joint is reduced due to loose fit.
3)     Due to vibration nuts are likely to loosen.
4)     Unfinished bolts have lesser strength because of non-uniform diameter.

1) PITCH (P): -
Ø   It is Center to Center spacing of bolts in a row measured in the direction of Load.
2) GAUGE (G): -
Ø  It is the distance b/w two consecutive bolts of adjacent rows and is measured at right 
angle to direction of load.
3) END DISTANCE (e’): -
Ø  Distance of the nearest bolt hole from the end of the plate in the direction of load (e')
Ø  Distance of the center of bolt from the adjacent edge of the plate (e) measured right  
angles to the direction of the load.
Ø  It is the centre to centre distance of staggered bolt measure in the direction of load (Ps).
I.S 800-2007 Specifications: -
Pitch: -
i) Shall not be less than “2.5d’, Where d= Nominal Diameter.
ii) Shall not be more than
a) 16t or 200 mm (whichever is less) for Tension members.
b)  12t or 200mm (whichever is less) for Compression members.
iii) In case of staggered pitch, pitch may be increased by 50% of values Specified above provided Gauge distance is <75mm.
iv)  In case of bolt joint, max pitch will be “4.5d”.
Gauge Length: -
Ø  The gauge length should to be more than 100+4(t) or 200mm whichever is less.
Min Edge & End Distance: -
Ø  min edge & end distance Shall not be
a)  Less than 1.7 x hole diameter in case of sheared (or) hand frame out edges.
b)  Less than 1.5 x hole diameter in case of rolled, machine frame cut, sawn and planed edges.
Max. Edge Distance: -     
(i) 12+ε, ε =√250/Fy, t= Thickness of outer-plate                           
(ii)  Not greater than 40mm+ 4t, t= thickness of thinner connected plate.
(iii) Area of bolt at root of the thread is less than that at Shank of the bolt is

                                                      Anb= 0.78 x Asb

Fasteners. Max. Edge Distance: -
Ø   If value of gauge length exceeds after providing design fasteners at max. edge distances.
i) 32t (or) 300 (lesser value) – plates are not exposed to weather.
ii) 16t (or) 200mm (lesser value) - plates are exposed to weather.

       (i) Depending upon the arrangement of bolts and plates: -
a) Lap joint: -                   
Ø  It is the Simplest type of joints:
Ø  Plates to be connected overlap one another.
 b) Butt joint: -
Ø  Two main pales butt against each other and the Connection is made by providing a Single cover plate connected to main plate or by double cover plates one on either Side connected to main plates.

    (ii) Depending upon the arrangement of modes of load transmission: -
     (iii) Depending upon nature and location of load: -

Ø  Depending upon the types of Connections and loads, loads are subjected to the following types of actions.
Failures of Bolted joints: -
1) Shear failure of bolts/pirates
2) Bearing failure of bolts/plates
3) Tensile failure of bolts/pirates
4) Block Shear failure in tension.
Ø  Plates in a joint made with a bearing of bolts may fall under tensional forces due to these 3 Causes:
a) Shearing of edges
b) Crushing of plates
c)  Rupture of plates
Ø  Block Shear failure is a Combination of yielding & rupture. It occurs along path involving tension on one plate and Shear on a perpendicular along the fasteners.