Types of Connections in Steel Structures| Riveted Connections


Ø  Various elements on a Steel Structure like tension and compression & flexural of members are connected fasteners Connectors.
Ø  The need of designing Connections are: -
1)     To connect plates, angles, channel, I-Sections etc;
2)     To connect different members at the ends.
Ø  The connections are generally provided in the following cases:
1)Unless the requirement to account for the heavy load and long span is met, then the built-up parts must be given. In this case, to get a good section this section should be connected together.
2) The length of the standard section needs to be connected to another section in case of longer duration. In this case it is necessary to attach the proper design of multiple parts of the connections.
3) At the end the different members need to be linked (e.g. secondary beams to be linked to primary beams, columns, footings, etc.)
Ø  Design of connections are very important because the failure of joints is Sudden and catastrophic.
Ø  Normally, a connection failure is not as ductile as that of a Steel member failure.
Ø  Connections may be classified according to the following:
a)  Method of Fastening (rivets, bolts, welding)
b)  Connection Rigidity (rigid, Simple, Semi-rigid)
Ø  According to IS code, based on rigidity connection, the joint can be defined as:
1) Rigid
2) Simple
3) Semi-rigid

Semi-Rigid: -
Ø  Semi-rigid connections have sufficient rigidity to hold the original angles between members.
Ø  In reality all the connections will be Semi-Rigid.

Types of Connections: -

The following three types of connections may be made in steel connections:
1) Riveted Connections
2) Bolted Connections
3) Welded Connections                   

1) Riveted Connections: -

Ø   When members of a Structure are created using Rivets, the joints so far are known as “Riveted Joint" and the process of jointing is known as “Riveting".
Ø  Rivet is made up of a round ductile Steel bar or body Called “Shank” and a head at one end.
Ø  Head can be of different shapes.
Ø  Rivet holes are made in Structural member to be connected by punching or drilling.
Ø  Size of hole is greater than rivet Size (1.5-2 mm).


Ø  The process for designing a riveted joint is simplified by making the following assumptions and by taking the protection of the joint into consideration.
Ø  The load shall be distributed equally to all the rivets.
Ø  Plate stress is thought to be even.
Ø  Shear stress is believed to be distributed evenly over the total rivet field.
Ø  The bearing tension is assumed to be identical between the plate and rivet contact surfaces.
Ø  Bending stress is ignored in rivet.
Ø  The rivet hole is expected to be filled to the full.
Ø  Friction between plates is ignored in the rivet.

 Classification based on Shape of Rivet Head: -

Ø  The rivets are classified on the basis of shape of rivet heads are as follows:


    Classification based on method & placing of Rivets: -

Ø  The rivets are classified on the basis of methods & placing of rivets are as follows:
(i) Power-Driven Shop Rivet: -
Ø  The rivets which are driven by hydraulically in the Shop under Control condition is called as Power-Driven Shop Rivet.
(ii) Hand Driven Shop Rivet: -
Ø  The rivets which are driven by hand in the shop is called as Hand Driven Shop Rivet.
(iii) Field Rivet: -
Ø  The Rivets which are driven at the place of work is called as Field Rivet.
(iv) Hot Driven Rivet: -
Ø  The Rivets which are heated to red hot before driving is called as Hot Driven Rivet.
(v) Cold Driven Rivet: -
Ø  The Rivets which are driven at room temperature and high Pressure is called as Cold 
 Driven Rivet.
                         Ø= Nominal Diameter.
                                                 D= Grip Diameter.

Grip length > [d x (diameter of rivet)]


1)    Members meeting at Joint: - 
Ø  At one point the centroid axes of the members meeting at a joint should coincide and, if there is any eccentricity, sufficient resistance in the relation should be given.
2)    Centre of Gravity: - 
Ø  The centre of gravity of rivet will be on the load action line whenever necessary.
3)    Pitch: -
a) Minimum pitch: -
Ø  The distance between opposite rivet centres should be no less than 2.5 times the rivet 's gross diameter.
           b) Maximum pitch: -
Ø  The average pitch does not exceed 12 t or 200 mm whichever is less in the member of the compression and 16 t or 200 mm whichever is less in the case of the members of the stress when the rivet line lies along the force action axis. Unless the rivet line does not lie along the force line of operation, its maximum pitch does not exceed 32t or 300 mm, whichever is less, where t is the outside plate thickness.
4)    Edge Distance: -
Ø  The rivet joint provides a minimum edge gap of about 1.5 times the gross diameter of the rivet measured from the middle of the rivet hole.

      Advantages of riveted connections: -
1)     Easy in riveting process.
2)     Rivet connection is permanent in nature.
3)     Cheaper fabrication cost.
4)     Low maintenance cost.
5)     Dis similar metals can also be joined.
6)     Rivet connection is possible without electricity in remote area.

      Disadvantages riveted connections: -
1)     Necessity of pre-heating the rivets prior to driving.
2)     High level of noise pollution.
3)     Skilled work necessary for inspection of connection.
4)     Cost involved in Careful inspection & removal of poorly installed Rivets.
5)     Labour Cost is high.