Top Best Most Important Basic Civil Engineering Interview Questions with Answers On Concrete Technology

1) What type of cement is preferable in sea water construction?

Ans: Slag or Pozzolana (PSC or PPC) as per IS 456: 2000 Cl. 8.2.8.

2) What should be the pH of water used in concrete?

Ans: As per IS 456: 2000 Cl. 5.4.2, pH of water shall be not less than 6.

3) When the possibility of Segregation of concrete is more?

Ans: a) When water cement ratio is high 
         b) If the ratio of coarse aggregate is much more than the other proportion
         c) Coarser grading.

4) Which Code we use for Concrete Mix Design?

Ans: IS 10262: 2009.

5) What is the weight of Cube of Size 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm?

Ans: 8.1 Kg.

6) What are the meanings of 43 grade, 53 grade on Cement bags?

Ans: Cement grade indicates the Compression strength of cement after 28 days of setting.

7) Which Zone Sand is suitable for Plaster?

Ans:  Zone – 3.

8) Which Zone sand is suitable for Filling purpose?

Ans:  Zone – 4.

9) Which Zone sand is suitable for Concrete?

Ans: Zone – 2.

10) What percentage of water we can increase for every 25 mm slump?

Ans: As per IS 10262: 2009 Cl. 4.2, we can increase 3% for every additional 25 mm slump.

11) What is the full form of A.A.C Block?

Ans: Autoclaved Aerated Concrete.

12) What is the meaning of M50?

Ans: Here ‘M’ stands for ‘Mix’. 50 stands for Characteristics compressive strength of concrete cube size 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm, after 28 days curing. Its unit is N/mm2.

13) What is the size of mould used to measure the compressive strength of Cement?

Ans: As per IS 10080: 1982, the size of mould is 70.6 mm x 70.6 mm 70.6 mm.

14) What is the percentage strength of concrete with time?

Ans: After 1 day – 16%, After 3 days – 40%, After 7 days – 65%, After 14 days – 90%, After 28 days – 99%.

15) What maximum height permissible for free fall of concrete?

Ans: As per IS 456:2000 Clause – 13.2, It is 1.5 m.

16) What are the factors affecting strength of concrete?

Ans: Quality of Raw Materials, Water – Cement Ratio, Coarse – Fine aggregate ratio, Aggregate – Cement ratio, Curing period, Temperature, Compaction of concrete.

17) What do you mean by Segregation?

Ans: Segregation is a separation of cement, sand from aggregate. This is caused due to Water cement ratio and when concrete is poured about more than 1.5m.
18) What is the Initial and Final setting time of cement?

Ans: Initial – 30 mins ; Final – 10 hours.

19) What do you mean by honeycomb in concrete?

Ans:  Honeycomb, also known as air pocket, is nothing but the air voids in concrete. It is usually formed during concrete casting.

20) Does Water damage concrete?

Ans: Plain concrete is not affected or damaged by water but Reinforced Concrete (R.C.C) can be damaged due to water. This is because the water may seep into the concrete and corrode the steel reinforcement inside.