Top Best Most Important Basic Civil Engineering Interview Questions with Answers On Geotechnical Engineering

1) The maximum differential settlement should not exceed _____mm in case of foundation on sandy soil.

Ans: 25mm.

2) The maximum safe bearing capacity of hard rock with defect and lamination such as granite, diorite and trap is ___ KN/m2 .

Ans: 3300 KN/m2 .

3) In case of non-cohesive soils such as sand and gravel,___ % reduction in allowable bearing capacity of the soil should be applied, if the water table is suitable below or near the bearing surface of the soil?

Ans: 50%.

4) The bearing capacity of soil is calculated in___units.

Ans: KN/m2 .

5) For determining the bearing capacity of soil, in method of loading the size for a square steel plate used is about ____?

Ans3000mm2 to 7500mm2.

6) Due to the adjustment of soil particles under the action of loading, there is some settlement at zero loading this is known as the ___?

Ans: Zero correction.

7) In analytical method, which Soil parameters used to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of soil?

Ans: Angle of internal friction.

8) In penetration test, the formula obtained for the safe bearing capacity of soil per unit area is ___?

Ans: R+ {A*F}.

9) The number of blows required to drive the penetrometer into the ground through a distance of 300mm is measured which is known as ___ of the soil.

Ans: Standard penetration resistance.

10) What is the average depth of test pit?

Ans: 1.50m.