Physical |Chemical | Mechanical Properties of Steel material used in construction

Physical Properties of Steel: (I.S.800 Clause 2.2.4, Page 12)

Ø  Physical properties of steel largely depend on chemical composition, rolling thickness, Heat treatment and stress theory.
1) Modulus of Elasticity (E) = 2 x 105 N/mm2.
2) Shear Modulus (G) = 0.769 x 102 N/mm2.
3) Poisons Ratio (μ) = Elastic range -0.3
                                   Plastic range-0.5
4) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (α) = 12 x 10-6/0C
5) Unit mass of Steel () = 7850 Kg/m3.

Chemical Properties of Steel:

Ø  Chemical composition of some of Steels are carbon, sulphur, manganese and silicon. out of these carbons has maximum influence on the physical and Mechanical properties of steel.
Ø  The alloys containing up to 2% of carbon are called as “Carbon Steel” and those having more than 2% of carbon are called as “Cast Steel”.
1) cast iron (2% to 4% carbon)
2) wrought iron (0.15% carbon)
3) Steel (0.25% to1.5% carbon)
Ø  If carbon content in steel increases the tensile strength also increases but the ductility decreases and causing the Steel to be more brittle.
Ø  If carbon content in steel reduces the tensile strength also decreases but the ductility increases and causing the Steel to be softer.

Mechanical Properties of Steel:
1) Elasticity
2) Plasticity
3) Ductility
4) Brittleness
5) Hardness
6) Fatigue
7) Creep
8) Malleability
9) Slow Deformation
10) Yield Stress
11) Ultimate Stress
12) Percentage of Elongation
Ø  Malleability is a property of material due to which it can be rolled into thin sheet without roughness. It can be stretched bend and twisted under a high stress before failure.