Top Best Most Important Basic Civil Engineering Interview Questions with Answers On Concrete Technology

1) What is M20 grade of concrete?

Ans: It is compressive strength of concrete after 28 days in N/mm2, but here M stand for mix and Number is the compressive strength.

2) What is workability of concrete?

Ans: Workability mean’s: the easy of placing and compaction of concrete.

3) What is Bleeding in concrete?

Ans: In bleeding, water comes out to the surface of the concrete, due to maximum compaction or vibration.
4) What is the Unit Weight of concrete?

Ans: The unit weight of concrete depends on the type of aggregates and amount of voids. As per IS 456-2000, Unit weight of P.C.C is 24KN/m3 (2400 Kg/Cum) and R.C.C is 25KN/m3 (2500 Kg/Cum).

5) What are the types of a slump?

Ans: Type of Slump:
1.    True Slump: The concrete mass after the test when slumps evenly all around without disintegration is called the true slump
2.    Shear Slump: When one-half of the concrete mass slides down the other are called the shear slump. This type of slump is obtained in a lean concrete mix.
3.    Collapse Slump: when the sample is collapsed due to adding excessive water, it is known as collapse slump.
4.    Zero Slump: For very stiff or dry mixes it does not show any changes of the slump after removing the slump cone.

6) What is the initial and final setting time of ideal cement mix?

Initial setting time for ideal cement mix is around 30 minutes for almost all kind of cements. For masonry cement it can be 90 minutes. Final setting time of ideal cement mix should be 10 hours at max. For masonry cement it shouldn't exceed 24 hours.

7) What is the difference between OPC and PPC?

OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement)
PPC (Portland Pozzolana Cement)
PPC is variation of OPC i.e. when Pozzolana materials namely fly ash, volcanic ash, are added to OPC in ratio of 15% to 35% by weight.
PPC is variation of OPC i.e. when Pozzolana materials namely fly ash, volcanic ash, are added to OPC in ratio of 15% to 35% by weight.
OPC is Available in 3-grades namely 33,43,53.
Whereas PPC available in only one grade which matches strength of Grade 33 of OPC after curing
OPC is costlier compare to other cement.
PPC is Cheaper than OPC since it includes natural and industrial wastes.

8) Which cement is used in heavy
structures OPC or PPC and why?

Ans: I) Heat of Hydration is fast and it gains 95% early strength in curing of 7 days
         2) It have good durability but it got its strength at max at a point of time.
         3) OPC is always good for construction of bridges, flyovers.
         4) Here heat of hydration is slow and it gains 75% of strength in curing of 7 days.
         5) Durability of PPC is more it become stronger as it becomes older.
         6) It is Highly resistant to sulphate attacks hence its prime use is in construction of dams, foundations, buildings near sea shore. reservoirs, marine construction.

9) What is Height of drop of concrete?

Ans: Concrete should be poured from a height of 0.9m to 1.5m. To prevent the making of voids inside the Concrete casting.

10) What is the Unit weight of cement mortar?

Ans: Cement mortar - 2000 kg/ m.

11) What is the curing time in days for different type of cement?

Ans: Super Sulphate cement =7 days
        Ordinary Portland cement 10 days
        Cement having admixture = 14 days.

12) How much Volume of cement Bag (50 Kg)?

Ans: 0.0347M3 or 1.23 CFT.

13) What is mix ratio of different grades of concrete?

Ans:  M5 = 1:5:10
          M7.5 = 1:4:8
          M10 = 1:3:6
          M15 = 1:2:4
          M20 = 1:1.5:3
          M25 = 1:1:2
          M30 = 1:1:1.

14)  From where we obtained Standard sand in India?

Ans: Ennore =Madras (Chennai) (T.N) used for testing.

15)  Write Test and their purposes?
Slump test
Workability of concrete
Rebound hammer test
Strength of concrete at site
Vicat apparatus test
Initial and final setting time of  cement
LE- Charelier –apparatus test
Soundness of cement
Casagrande apparatus test
Liquid limit of soil
16) What are the values of  Slump for different types of construction?

Value in (mm)
Type of construction
0-25 mm
Very low workability
Road making, where power operating machine are used for vibration & compaction.
25-50 mm
Low workability
Less reinforced sections, Pavements, Slabs, Beams, Strap footing.
50-100 mm
Medium workability
Heavy reinforced structures Columns, Rafts, Beams, Slabs, Walls.
100-175 mm
High workability
In-situ piling & very heavy reinforced structures like Dams etc.

17)  How many days we can used cement from the date of manufacturing?
                     What is the Expiry date of cement?

Ans: 3 months.

18) What is the function of sand in mortar?

Ans: Provide core strength, i.e. compressive and tensile strength & Increase density.