Top Best Most Important Basic Civil Engineering Interview Questions with Answers On Highway Engineering

1) Define Express ways?

Ans: These roads are of higher, than national highway. Such a roads on which only fast moving vehicles.

2) What are the fundamental principles of Alignment?

Ans: 1.length if road should be shortest.
         2. The proposed road should form a most economical line.
         3. The alignment should provide corm.

3) What are the factors which control the selection of Alignment?

Ans:  1. Volume and types of traffic
          2. Obligated points
          3. Canal river (or) railway crossings.

4) Define Obligatory point?

Ans: Obligatory point is such point which act to control points in highway alignment.

5) What are special considerations for hill road Alignment?

Ans: 1. Stability
         2. Drainage
         3. Geometric standard
         4. Resisting length.

6) What are the various types of Engineering Surveys?

Ans:  1. Map study
          2. Reconnaissance survey
          3. Preliminary survey
          4. Final location and detailed survey.

7) What are two types of road project?

Ans: 1. New highway project
         2. Re-alignment (or) revenging highway project.

8) What are the head involved in Highway Geometric?

Ans: 1.Cross section element like camber, super elevation
         2. Sight distance character sight like stopping sight distance, overtaking sight distance etc.
         3. Horizontal and vertical alignments.

9) Define camber?

  Ans: Traverse slope given to the road surface is called as camber.

10) What are the requirements of camber?

Ans: 1.Types of pavement surface
         2. Amount of rainfall.

11) How much percentage of camber recommended in W.B.M Road?

Ans: Water bound macadam road 1 to 33 (3%) to 1 in 40 (2.5%).

12) How much camber recommended in bituminous road?

Ans: bituminous surface 1 in 40 (2.5%) to 1 in 50 (2%).

13) What are the different types of camber?

Ans: 1. parabolic camber
         2. Straight camber
         3. Combination of straight and parabolic camber.

14) What are the different types of traffic separators?

Ans: 1. Channelize traffic into stream at intersections
         2. Shadow the crossing and turning traffic
         3. Segregate slow traffic and to project pedestrians.

15) Define Dual carriageways?

Ans: Each portion of the carriageway is reserved for traffic moving in opposite direction. Such carriage ways are called dual carriageways.

16) What is the width of carriage way in meter of two lane highways?

Ans: State highways 7.0m.