Top Best Most Important Basic Civil Engineering Interview Questions with Answers On Highway Engineering

1) Write note on High Speed Barrier Kerb?

Ans: This kerb is 23cm to 45cm to height. This kerb is mainly used at initial location such as bridge and hill road.

2) Define Formation Width?

Ans: Formation width is also called as road way. It is the sum of width of carriage way shoulders, and separation it provided.

3) Define Right of Way?

Ans: Area to the acquired along the road alignment is called right of way.

4) Define Sight Distance?

Ans: Sight distance in the actual length of road over which a driver sitting at a specified height in a vehicle can see objects either moving (or) stationary on the road surface.

5) What is the classification of sight distance depending upon the situation?

Ans: 1. Stopping sight distance
         2. Straight overtaking sight distance
         3. Sight distance at intersection

5) Define S.S.D?

Ans: Stopping sight distance is the minimum distance required with in which a vehicle moving at designed speed can be stopped without colliding with a stationary object of the road surface.

5) Define Reaction Time?

Ans: It is the time in seconds which a driver can take from the instant the objects visible to him to the instant the brakes are effectively applied.

6) Define Perception Period?

Ans: Perception period is the time taken by an average driver to realize a danger a head before actually trying to apply the breaker.

7) Define Overtaking Sight Distance (O.S.D)?

Ans: The distance visible to the driver of a vehicle intending to overtake another slow moving vehicle, without causing any inconvenience (or) possibility of accident to the traffic in the opposite direction in called overtaking sight distance.

8) Define Design Speed?

Ans: Design speed can be defined as the speed which is permissible for safe and comfortable driving on a given surface of the highway.

9) What are the two effect of Centrifugal Force?

Ans: 1.Tendency to overturn the vehicle.
         2.Tendency to skid the vehicle laterally.

10) Define Super Elevation?

Ans: The outer edge of the road in raised above the inner edge called super elevation (or) cant (or) banking.

11) What is the relation between super elevation coefficient of friction and centrifugal force?

     e = Super elevation whose value is taken an 40 or 1/15
     f = Lateral frictional coefficient whose value in
     R = Radian of curve in meters, g = 9.8
     V = Speed of vehicle in m/sec.

12) What is maximum rule of super elevation?

       This formula assume that centrifugal force corresponding to 75 percent of the designed speed is balanced by super elevation and the next winter acted by the side friction.

13) Define horizontal curve?

Ans: It is a curve in plan to change in the direction of the central time by the road surface.

14) What are the factors affecting the design of curve?

Ans:  1.Design speed of the vehicle
          2. Allowable friction
          3. Maximum allowable super elevation
          4. Permissible centrifugal ration.

15) Define vertical curve?

Ans: It is a curve in the longitudinal section of a highway to provide a easy change of the gradient.

16) What are curve used in highway?

Ans: 1. Circular curve
         2. Transition curve
         3. Parabolic curve.