Top Best Most Important Basic Civil Engineering Interview Questions with Answers On Highway Engineering

1) What are the values of radian of the Simple Curve?

Ans: R=1720m.

2) Define Compound Curve?

Ans: A compound curve currish of a serial of hoot (or) more simple curve that run  in the same direction and joint at common tangent point.

3) Define Reverse Curve?

Ans: A reverse curve consist of two simple curve opposite direction that point at the common tangent point This common point in called the point of reverse curve.

4) What are the types of Transition Curve?

Ans: 1. True spiral
         2. Cubic spiral
         3. Cubic parabolic.

5) What are characteristics of Transition Curve?

Ans: 1.It should meet the straight path tangentially.
        2. It should meet the circular curve tangentially.

6) What are the equations of a Spiral Transition Curve?

Ans:        Ls = m Sqrt(Q)
                Where m = Sqrt(2)RL=a  constant
                Q=Tangent of deflection angle in radian.

7) How many method to determine the length of Transition Curve?

Ans: 1.By the rate of charge radian acceleration.
         2. By empirical formula.

8) Define gradient?

Ans: It the rate of rise (or) fall of road level along if length.

9) What are different types of gradient?

Ans: 1.Maximum gradient
        2. Puling gradient
        3. Limiting gradient
        4. Exceptional gradient.

10) What are the disadvantages of exceptional gradient?

Ans: 1.More fuel consumption
        2. More friction losses
        3. Efficiency of engine reducer
        4. Early fatigue to animals.

11) What are the types of vertical curve?

Ans: 1. Summit curve
         2. Valley curve.

12) What is the minimum radian of vertical curve?

Ans: The minimum radian of the curve is given by

13) What is the length of valley curve?

Ans: L=0.38(NxVx3)1/2
        L=Total length of valley curve
        N=Deviation angle
        V=Design speed in kmph.

14) What are the materials required for W.B.M road?

Ans: 1.Course aggregate
         2. Screening
         3. Filler materials.